Monday, June 1, 2009

God works in mysterious ways...

This is my first post! Go me, go me, do the happy dance...oh...get it boo! Okay, enough.
Wow. Well let me be the first to say (well not literally) God's ways aren't our ways, His thoughts aren't our thoughts, and His plans aren't our plans. Recently, God allowed a separation to occur with my fiance and I. The separation was a reflection on our relationship, but not 
because of our interactions or anything we did to each other. I contemplated whether or not I wanted to put our business out there, but if it helps someone else, then it's well worth it. For the sake of my life, I'm not going into concrete details (learned that term in English 101, lol), but I'll give you guys the gist. My booboo and I have been engaged for the last 2 months. The circumstances behind the way we met are interesting, but I'll save that for another time. Anyway, I brought him with me to meet my spiritual mother. She prayed for our relationship and that God would at the center of our relationship and the head of our relationship as well.  She prayed that we would be a beacon for young Christian couples, and that our relationship would be a Ministry. Well, little did I realize that God would separate us soon after. Why you may ask? Well, we got to a point where we looked to each other to fill voids,  confided in one another first, trusted each other first, and so on. God said NO, NO, NO, NO, NO! You all are surely aware that God is a jealous God, oh yes He is. All the things we were looking to each other to do, He wanted us to look to Him instead. He allowed a separation to occur. Although the situation can LITERALLY be explained for our inability to communicate, from a SPIRITUAL stand-point, I'd be a fool not to realize that God allowed it to happen for a reason. After kicking, and crying and screaming because all I wanted was my fiance, I gave up. I had been going around in circles asking: "Please let me talk to him, let me see him, let me hear from him." It didn't happen. I finally gave up and just looked at the ceiling while in bed and asked God why he was allowing this to happen. I have NEVER heard His voice so clearly until that day. I finally asked the right question, and  here was His response: "You need to seek me first to find him. You need to love me first as your Father, and everything else will fall into place. Before you devote yourself to him as his wife, you need to love me first, trust me first, and confide in me first. Before you can do these things with your husband, you must remember to come to me first. I am the light, the truth, the glory and salvation. I supply your needs, and I am your creator. I giveth and I taketh. You need to build your relationship stronger with me, before you can fully devote yourself to him." That was the beginning of the revelations to come; for the storm was just beginning.


  1. girl you need to keep writing and tell the world about God because people dont know God like how you know him.
