Thursday, August 9, 2012

Mistaken Identity

I haven't blogged in over 3 years, but the time is here, the time is now. Since my last post, needless to say I have grown and changed...A LOT. The person below is a little slow, and um, mistaken. Although not completely off, she had the wrong person in mind when talking about Love. You see, the person below was a girl who was always on a mission to find love. She came from a home that was shattered by a sexually demonic force. Although that house abounded in love, that girl never felt it.

My spiritual mother Mary Ilupeju wrote a book entitled: I didn't know I had an STD, Sexually Transmitted Demon. She goes in depth with the accounts of her own life and the power a sexual demon had from the time she was a child. This may sound strange to some, but once you read the book, you'll see that there aren't many of us out there that haven't experienced what she has...we just didn't have a name for it.

I read her book a few times, and felt like I was reading the story of my life. Unfortunately, many have read it and still refuse to be free because of shame. God is looking for those that will use their lives as testaments, not romantically-enthralled novels. I am here to say that I've been through it, and now I'm free of the bondage I once felt.

I've moved on and have found that special person that has been TRULY ordained to be in my life. We're amazing friends, and that means the world to me. The girl below was in bondage to someone that she thought loved her, someone that told her everything she wanted to hear, but was lost himself.

I'm not a victim. You can't be a victim to something if the person who caused the infliction is in bondage or suffrage themselves. Don't blame yourself, don't blame the other person, blame SATAN! He's literally a sneaky little devil that will twist and turn your arm. ARM yourself with the armor of CHRIST, and you'll be protected and freed.

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the thoughts I have for you, says the Lord. Thoughts to prosper you, and not harm you, thoughts to give you hope and a future."

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